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1294 results found
Optimizing Agricultural Productivity with the HOBOnet Wireless Sensor Network
2pm - 3pm (America/New_York)
Looking to advance your growing operation? Join us for this free 1-hour informative session!
Connecticut Association of Wetland Scientists
8am (America/New_York)
World Fisheries Congress
8am (America/New_York)
MFMA Conference
8am (America/New_York)
Conceptos Básicos del Registrador de Datos - Los Fundamentos del Monitoreo del Agua
2pm - 3pm (America/New_York)
Hoy, es más importante que nunca evaluar y monitorear los impactos del cambio climático, el desarrollo urbano y de la agricultura en nuestros recursos hídricos.
Ya sea que esté interesado en rastrear las temperaturas de los arroyos, monitorear los niveles de agua subterránea o medir la salinidad en un estuario, los registradores de datos y los sistemas de monitoreo remoto HOBO ofrecen soluciones asequibles y precisas que le brindan la información que necesita para proteger nuestro recurso más crítico.
Data Logger Basics - The Fundamentals of Water Monitoring
2pm - 3pm (America/New_York)
Today, it’s more important than ever to assess and monitor the impacts of climate change, urban development, and agriculture on our water resources. Whether you’re interested in tracking stream temperatures, monitoring groundwater levels, or measuring salinity in an estuary, HOBO data loggers and remote monitoring systems offer affordable, accurate solutions that give you the information you need to protect our most critical resource.
New to data logging? Join this free 50-minute webinar to learn about:
Wisconsin Wetlands Science Conference
8am (America/New_York)
Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference (NAB)
8am (America/New_York)
Introduction to MX800 Wireless Multiparameter Data Loggers
2pm - 3pm (America/New_York)
MX800 Wireless Multiparameter Data Loggers: The Water Monitoring Platform for the Future
Join our free 1-hour webinar for an introduction to the HOBO MX800 series of Bluetooth data loggers. Designed with built-in Bluetooth for fast and easy wireless data offload, the HOBO MX800 series provides a single integrated platform for monitoring a range of critical water parameters, including water level, conductivity/salinity, temperature, and more.
Presented by HOBO data logging expert Paul Gannett, webinar topics include: