Trust your precious water resources to the preferred choice in data loggers
Across many fields, tracking water level is more critical than ever to mitigate the impacts of climate change and meet our ever-increasing demand for water. Known for their ease of use, reliable performance and affordability, versatile HOBO data loggers are the trusted tools to help you protect and manage water storage and ecosystem health by monitoring water levels, from agriculture to aquatic ecology.
Water level monitoring solutions, from sensors to remote stations
Whether you use stand-alone data loggers to monitor water level over time or count on a remote station to give you cloud access to your data and send real-time alerts, reliable data collection is essential. HOBO offers a range of accurate, durable water level monitoring solutions to support countless applications.
Best solutions for water level monitoring
Data loggers and remote monitoring stations for tracking water level and water flow
Remote Monitoring Stations
Access your water level data from the cloud and receive real-time alerts
Stand-alone Bluetooth Data Loggers
Collect CT, CTD & DO data over time, then wirelessly download to your mobile device or Windows computer
Stand-alone Optical Data Loggers
Easy-to-use, affordable, self-contained loggers known for their dependable performance
Remote Water Level Monitoring System
Streamlined water level monitoring and management with a breakthrough IoT remote wireless solution