Which software is best to use with my HOBO data logger?
Whether you’re monitoring museum exhibits, crops, or water level and quality, every HOBO data logger family pairs with a software product designed to help you optimize your data collection, monitoring, communication, and analysis.
HOBOlink Remote Monitoring Software
A powerful IoT platform for RX and MX monitoring systems that lets you manage your data, visualize trends, and stay informed with real-time alerts
HOBOconnect App for Phones, Tablets & Windows
A convenient app for phones, tablets, and Windows laptops, HOBOconnect streamlines your data collection and analysis for all MX Bluetooth data loggers
HOBOware Graphing & Analysis Software
Designed to work with USB and optic-offloading data loggers, HOBOware simplifies setup and enhances your data analysis with powerful tools
Software Resources
Getting Started with MX Data Loggers
How to Create a Map View of your HOBOnet Wireless System
How to Create a Dashboard in HOBOlink
Working with HOBOware and HOBOware Pro, the Basics
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, an annual data plan is required for each active remote station on HOBOlink. See our HOBOlink product page for detailed information data plan options.
HOBOconnect is available on Apple and Android phones and tablets as well as Windows devices. See the HOBOconnect product page for detailed information on supported versions.
HOBOware Pro is required when using Data Shuttles, and offers a number of useful features not available in the free edition, including time-saving tools for fast device management, Data Assistants for advanced calculations, and additional visualization and analysis tools.