
A complete system requires at least one HOBO RX3000 Remote Monitoring Station, a HOBOnet Wireless Manager, and a HOBOnet Wireless Sensor OR one HOBO MicroRX Station (which has an integrated HOBOnet Wireless Manager) and a HOBOnet Wireless Sensor. HOBOnet Wireless Repeaters (RXW-RPTR-xxx or RXW-RPTR-B-xxx) can be added to extend the range.
Records rainfall in 0.2-millimeter increments. HOBOnet wireless sensors communicate data directly to the HOBO RX3000 or the HOBO MicroRX station or pass data through other wireless sensors back to the central station. They are preconfigured and ready to deploy, and data is accessed through HOBOlink, Onset's innovative cloud software platform.
Sensor Features
Wireless Features