Collect. Connect. Protect.
Weather station data, straight to tools you trust.
Precise forecast models are critical to determining the risk of disease or pest emergence, so you can protect crops, avoid unnecessary pesticide applications, and, most importantly, save time & money.
Engineered to interface with local IPM and crop forecast tools like NEWA, HOBO weather stations send accurate, up-to-date climate data straight from your farm, giving you the insights you need to enhance your risk assessment and make confident crop-management decisions that maximize efficiency, increase productivity, and conserve valuable resources.
HOBO MicroRX Remote Monitoring Station
The HOBO MicroRX station is an easy-to-deploy, low-cost, cellular environmental monitoring solution, with a compact, rugged design that delivers long-term, reliable data and immediate notifications of critical conditions with configurable alarms.

HOBO monitoring tools that support disease & pest management
Find the best fit for your monitoring needs and integrate your data with IPM tools

NEWA Weather Station
Combine HOBO weather stations with Cornell University's NEWA IPM and Disease tools, forecasting, and integrated crop modeling to enhance crop-management decisions

Remote Monitoring Stations
Trusted, weatherproof, and easy-to-deploy cellular weather stations seamlessly integrate into local Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Disease tools

Wireless Sensor Networks
HOBOnet's cost-effective network sends real-time alerts to protect your plants against frost and help you irrigate efficiently
Related Resources

Crop Planning

Wireless Sensor Networks for Fruit Growers