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139 results found
Wiring Diagram - HOBO U30 CVIA Voltage Input Logic Switch
Attached is a wiring diagram that shows how to monitor switch closures with a HOBO U30-
Wiring Diagram - Monitoring Multiple Single-Phase Circuits with the Wattnode with P3 Option
Attached is a wiring diagram that shows how to monitor Wattnode kWh transducers with th
How to use the HOBO Pendant Coupler Start feature
Smart Sensor Sampling Interval
When a sampling interval is configured, the station or logger will take multiple measurements within a given logging interval and then average them together to create a single logged data point.
Wiring Diagram - Monitoring 480V, 3-Phase AC Voltage and Current with a HOBO H22-001 Energy Logger
Attached is a wiring diagram that shows how to use CTs and PTs with the HOBO H22-001 Energy Logger via the S-FS-TRMSA Module. The image shows a 480 V, 3-phase application.
Wiring Diagram - Monitoring a 3-Phase Circuit with the HOBO RX3000 Station and T-VER-E50B2
Attached is a wiring diagram that shows you how to connect the T-VER-E50B2 Power and Energy Meter to the HOBO RX3000 Station.
Cellular (GSM) Amplifier/Repeater/Extender
Below is a link to a cellular signal amplifier/repeater that may help improve mobile phone signal strength for HOBO RX3000 3G systems.