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139 results found
HOBO Waterproof Shuttle Battery Replacement
Learn the proper way to replace the batteries in your HOBO Waterproof Shuttle, p/n U-DTW-1
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How to change a battery in a HOBO Pendant Data Logger
Learn how to properly replace a battery in a HOBO Pendant Data Logger.
Products included are the UA-001-08/64, UA-002-08/64, UA-003-64 and the UA-004-64
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Electrically Noisy or Incorrect Thermocouple Readings
Electrically noisy or incorrect thermocouple measurements can occur if the USB cable is left connected between the logger and computer during your deployment.
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Why is the RH response time less for the HOBO MX2301 vs the HOBO MX2302?
The RH response time in the HOBO MX2301 internal logger is faster than in the HOBO MX2302 external logger. This is due to the geometry of the location of the internal sensor in the loggers.
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Moving the HOBO ZW Database from One Computer to Another
To move or copy your HOBO ZW Datanode database from one computer to another, you will need to copy a folder called "COSMOS" and all of its contents to a specifc location on the new computer.
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HOBO U12-015 Unpacking and Maintenance
Learn how to unpack and maintain your HOBO U12-015-series High Temp Data Loggers.
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-888.88 Data Values
Problem: My Smart Sensor data shows a -888.888 for a good portion of the data file.
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Wiring Diagram - HOBO RX3000 - RXMOD-A1 Voltage Input Logic Switch
Attached is a wiring diagram that shows how to mo
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