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139 results found
Charging a very low HOBO RX3000 or U30 battery
As mentioned in the HOBO RX3000 and U30 documentation, if the battery voltage is allowed to drop too low, it may not be charged within the logger.
HOBO RX3000 Manager and HOBOnode viewer will not work after Java 9 Update
If you are running HOBOware version 3.7.13 and also have updated to JAVA JRE 9, there will be an issue with the RX3000 manager and the HOBO node Manager within the HOBOware program.
HOBO Waterproof Shuttle U-DTW-1 LED Error Codes
The numbers below indicate a blink pattern. The first digit is the first part of the blink pattern and the second digit is the second part of the blink pattern.
Pendant Optics
Attached please find an image that shows the location of optic LEDs in Pendant (UA-series) loggers. All Pendant optics are located in the same location on all models.
Proper Coupler Seating, BASE-U-4 (Optic Base station) and the U-DTW-1 (Waterproof Shuttle)
The attached image shows both the incorrect and correct assembly of a logger coupler to the BASE-U-4 (Optic Base station) and the U-DTW-1 (Waterproof Shuttle).
Davis Rain Gauge (S-RGC-M002, S-RGF-M002 & S-RGE-M002) Cable Routing
See attached photos for clarification.
This is also covered in each product's respective manual, which can be found on the following product web pages under the Documentation tab:
Calibrating S-SMC-M005 and W-SMC Soil Moisture Sensors
The attached application note - Calibration Equations for the S-SMC-M005 Soil Moisture Sensor - details the process for calibrating soil moisture data.