Learn How to Use Soil, Weather, and Water Monitoring Tools to Better Inform Your Decisions

From microclimate studies to crop management, reliable data loggers and monitoring solutions are crucial to informing your agricultural and environmental research decisions.

View this free 45-minute webinar, hosted by HOBO data logging expert Eileen Sandherr, and learn about monitoring tools that empower you to solve complex problems, conserve water, maximize yields, reduce costs, support sustainability, and better understand the impacts of climate change on our environment.

New to data logging? Start with the basics, the first step to becoming a data logger expert yourself!

In this webinar, you'll learn the fundamentals of using data loggers and monitoring stations to measure soil moisture, weather conditions, water temperature and level, and much more.

Webinar topics include:

  • What data loggers are, what they can measure, and the benefits of using them
  • Important factors to consider when selecting a data logger
  • Ways to access your data
  • Data logger deployment tips
  • Application examples

