
As the climate continues to change, natural disasters like fires, floods, and mold infestations are on the rise, creating a greater need for restoration services. To guarantee effective restoration, prevent further harm, and comply with industry regulations, restoration companies must closely monitor environmental conditions at damaged properties. In the hurricane-prone state of Florida, a restoration company was in the market for a reliable, cost-effective monitoring solution to ensure the integrity of its work and prevent mold growth.


The company’s manager reached out to Onset for a solution, and ultimately selected the HOBO MX1101 data logger. The HOBO MX1101 is an affordable, compact, Bluetooth data logger that measures and transmits temperature and relative humidity data wirelessly to mobile devices or Windows computers running the free HOBOconnect app. MX1101 loggers can be easily deployed at various locations throughout a restoration site, allowing the user to download data wirelessly when within 100 feet of a logger. Adding the optional MX Gateway device gives the user the additional advantage of 24/7 access to data via the HOBOlink cloud software platform, which also provides automatic email/text alerts should conditions exceed user-set thresholds.   


By implementing the HOBO MX1101/MX Gateway solution, the company now relies on continuous monitoring and real-time alerts to ensure that humidity and temperature levels remain within acceptable ranges throughout its restoration sites. The company’s ability to respond immediately to adverse conditions also saves its customers from the expense of costly remediation and potential damage caused by mold growth. In addition, the detailed data logs and reports stored in the HOBOlink platform provide a clear record of restoration activities both for insurance purposes and for streamlined compliance with industry regulations. The company can also analyze the historical data to identify trends and optimize its restoration processes. And the remote monitoring capability that the MX Gateway provides allows the company’s manager to oversee multiple restoration projects simultaneously, thereby improving project management efficiency and reducing travel costs.

Products Used

MX Gateway

$375.00 USD

To collect data from HOBO MX1101 loggers and automatically send it to the HOBOlink cloud platform


Use Case