Improvement for launching Optic Loggers in HOBOware 3.7.8
A more comprehensive method is used to find and correct errors when launching a logger that may have unreliable communications. This is the situation with Optic loggers that may have damaged or dirty cases or be misaligned in the coupler like the UA-series Pendant loggers, UTBI-series TidbiT loggers, U20 Water Level loggers, U22 Water Temperature loggers, U23Temp/RH loggers, U24 Conductivity/Salinity logger and U26 Dissolved Oxygen logger.
Not only does HOBOware correct the errors it can but it warns you about a possible bad connection so you can clean the logger case or check if it needs repair.
OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) and U30, Waterproof Shuttle and RX3000
A bug in early releases of Apple’s OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) causes failures in Onset U30 USB Weather Station, HOBO RX3000 Remote Monitoring Station data loggers and the Waterproof Shuttle (U-DTW-1) USB communications. But this problem was fixed in OS X 10.11.4 (release 4) so we highly recommend that if you are using OS X 10.11 that you update to the latest version of that operating system.