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155 results found
How to configure HOBOlink for use with your Wattnode Energy Transducer
Learn how to connect and configure the Continental Controls Wattnode Energy Transducer for use with the HOBO U30 and RX3000 Stations via HOBOlink.
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Data Exports and Delivery with the HOBO RX3000
Learn how to create custom data export queries and data delivery from the HOBO RX3000 Station and HOBOlink
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Statistical Logging and Battery Life
You can configure HOBO UX100 series and some HOBO UX120 series loggers to calculate m
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Logging Duration in the Launch Screen- What Does That Mean?
In the HOBOware and HOBOmobile Launch screens there is a number that is presented as "Logging Duration" (see attached screen shot)
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Smart Sensor Sampling Interval
When a sampling interval is configured, the station or logger will take multiple measurements within a given logging interval and then average them together to create a single logged data point.
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Sample Data - Monitoring Remote Water Level, Rainfall and Specific Conductance in a Drainage Pond
Attached is a screen-capture from our HOBOlink web product that displays measurements made with a HOBO RX3000 station that's monitoring (among other things) rainfall, water level (Stevens vented wa
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