How can better ventilation and IAQ save energy?

Yes, you can have it all! In this free 30-minute HOBO Thought Leader webinar, Steve Di Giacomo, founder of Energy Management Associates, explains how data logging can not only help save and maintain energy use, but also be used to ensure adequate ventilation and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and compliance with ASHRAE Standard 241 “Control of Infectious Aerosols."

IAQ Webinar Topics: 

  • Data logging for energy audits & energy savings

  • CO2 data logging for ventilation/IAQ compliance

  • Determining UVc effectiveness, pathogen inactive rates, and effective air-changes per hour

  • ASHRAE Standard 241 - How to maintain a healthy and productive building environment through smart decisions using indoor monitoring data, including DNA-tagged MS2 tracer particles

  • and more

About Steve Di Giacomo:
Principal Commissioning & Energy Engineer at Energy Management Associates Inc (EMA), Steve founded the company in 1996, and has authored numerous papers, including CO2 Demand-Controlled Ventilation: History, Theory & Myths, published in the Journal of Energy Engineering. Steve and his team worked effectively to inactivate the SARS-Co-V-2 virus in 3 million square feet of indoor space in the Greater Boston area and assisted many New England towns in reopening their public buildings closed due to the COVID pandemic. Steve’s UVGI design solutions were implemented in all public buildings in the Town of Franklin and featured on CBS Boston TV. An ASHRAE certified commissioning professional (BCxP) and AEE Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Steve holds active Mechanical Engineering PE licenses in six states and received the 2018 Association of Energy Engineers’ Energy Professional Development (Trainer) Award for Region I.

