View our free 45-minute webinar to learn about this latest addition to our industry-leading line of Bluetooth HOBO waterproof temperature loggers —the HOBO Tidbit MX2205 External Temperature Data Logger.
This new waterproof logger is equipped with a temperature sensor on a 2m cable, so it can be mounted above the water or soil surface for streamlined, convenient wireless data download straight to your mobile device or Windows laptop with Onset’s free HOBOconnect app. The cabled sensor delivers a fast temperate-response time for applications where temperatures change rapidly, while its internal sensor monitors ambient temperature.
Webinar topics include:
• An overview of the HOBO TidbiT MX2205’s features and benefits
• Ideal applications for the logger
• Logger deployment tips
• Guidance on choosing the best HOBO waterproof temperature logger for your application
• Q&A session