Resources for MX1101

HOBO Temperature/Relative Humidity Data Logger

MX1101 Data Sheet
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Data Logging System Provides Peace of Mind to Gourmet Creamery

An ice cream shop owner switched from manually monitoring freezers to installing data loggers that continuously monitor temp and AC current, and offer alarm capabilities so problems can be addressed immediately.

Data Loggers Help Art Centre Preserve Collections

To ensure both the comfort of its patrons and the long-term safety and preservation of its artwork, the University of Toronto Art Centre Museum utilizes data loggers for an effective climate-control strategy.

Data Loggers Track Climate at JFK Museum

At the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza, the collections coordinator uses data loggers to monitor temp, RH, and light intensity to maintain the proper environment for historic artifacts made of a wide range of materials.

Data Loggers Help Diagnose "Sick School"

In Houston, where humidity rates near a constant 100% in the summer, an HVAC technician used data loggers to prove the effectiveness of dehumidifiers in classrooms at an elementary school.

Data Loggers Track Temperature in Automated Cheese Warehouse

To ensure optimal conditions for successful aging of its cheeses, Tilamook Cheese deployed more than 30 battery-powered data loggers in various sections of the facility’s storage area.

Data Loggers Test Air Shipments of Oxygen Containers

Test lab uses rugged temperature data loggers that deliver data despite fire damage to perform IATA-mandated tests of oxygen containers

Preservation Goes High-Tech for Monroe’s Subway Dress

Marilyn Monroe's famous white "subway" dress and other irreplaceable movie items are kept in ideal storage conditions, thanks in part to data loggers monitoring temp and RH around the clock.

Building Drydown: Documenting the Process with Ease

A Wisconsin-based company specializing in water damage restoration utilizes high-tech data loggers for drydown documentation that proves the process was performed correctly.

Ripening Storage Conditions for Jamaica's Top Coffee

To ensure optimal warehouse conditions for the storage of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, a research officer with the Jamaican Coffee Industry Board uses data loggers to track temperature and relative humidity data.