Waterproof, Wireless Solutions for Monitoring Temperature

The next generation of our field-proven waterproof TidbiT and Pendant data loggers, the HOBO MX2200 Series offers convenient wireless setup and data download via Bluetooth, delivering high-accuracy measurements straight to your mobile device or Windows laptop when you use the free HOBOconnect app!

With their rugged design, expanded memory, and choice of temperature or temperature/light models, these waterproof loggers are ideal for monitoring conditions in streams, lakes, oceans, wetlands, soil, and harsh outdoor environments.

Onset HOBO MX2203 underwater

Choose the Best Waterproof Temperature Logger for Your Needs


Part Number MX2201 MX2202 MX2203 MX2204 MX2205
Measurement Temperature Temperature/Light Temperature Temperature Temperature
Data Channels Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal/External
Depth Rating 100 ft 100 ft 400 ft 5000 ft 100 ft
Battery 1 to 2 year, user-replaceable 1 to 2 year, user-replaceable 3 to 5 year, user-replaceable 3 to 5 year, non-replaceable 3 to 5 year, non-replaceable
Immersion Detect No No Yes Yes No


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MX2205 deployed in a river

Simplify Configuration, Data Download & Logger Management with the HOBOconnect Monitoring App

Easy logger setup & data management using Bluetooth technology

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Simplify Configuration, Data Download & Logger Management with the HOBOconnect Monitoring App

Easy logger setup & data management using Bluetooth technology


Customize logger settings and alarms with flexible configuration


Save time with bulk download of data from loggers


Instantly graph and view logger data for easy trend analysis


Improve collaboration by sharing data via text and email

Phone screen view on HOBOconnect monitoring app showing data logger configurations
View of phone screen showing data downloaded from HOBO data loggers using HOBOconnect mobile data monitoring app
View of graph of data from loggers depicted by HOBOconnect mobile data monitoring app on phone
Mobile phone screen view of HOBOconnect mobile remote monitoring app exporting and sharing data loggers information

Frequently Asked Questions

No, unless you’re using the HOBO MX2205, which can be mounted above water with the external sensor submerged. All other MX2200 Series loggers must be removed from the water to download data.

No, but you do need to have the free HOBOconnect app installed on a mobile device that has Bluetooth 4.0 or above, or on a laptop computer running Windows 10 or above. MX2200 loggers do not work with an optical shuttle.

With the HOBO MX2203 and MX2204 models, logger configuration includes the option to select Bluetooth Off Water Detect. The logger will not advertise when the presence of water is detected. Once the logger is removed from the water, advertising will automatically turn on, thereby not requiring you to push a button (or use a magnet) to wake up the logger when you need to connect to it. This option preserves some battery power. Note: The logger will check for the presence of water every 15 seconds when this option is selected.

.No, we will continue to support the TidbiT, Pendant, and Water Temp Pro optical products, although we encourage users to consider the advantages of the HOBO MX2200 Series.

Yes, you can share a .HOBO file via email, or use HOBOlink.com to then open the file in HOBOware to do additional data analysis, like combining graphs and analyzing your data further. Note that HOBOconnect can also directly output a .XLSX & .CSV file format if you choose to work in Excel.

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