This product has been discontinued and is no longer supported. Download the unsupported free version, provided only as a convenience for customers using our legacy devices, below.
Download the full free version (right-click link and use the Save link as... option)
Note: this Product Installation Code IS REQUIRED: C06-508759950.
This archive contains:
- The file to upgrade for using the new HOBO Weather Station, HOBO Water Temp Pro, and HOBO LCD loggers.
- Low battery warning for the HOBO Shuttle and upgrade for PCs with power-saving function. Download the software upgrade to assure successful logger launch. Without the upgrade, the PC's power-saving mode can signal the unit to discontinue logging immediately after launch, resulting in loss of data.
- Corrects a data export problem in which BoxCar Pro 4.2.10 displays exported data without a fractional part, ie., digits to the right of the decimal point were not displayed.