This product has been discontinued and is no longer supported. Download the unsupported free version, provided only as a convenience for customers using our legacy devices, below.

Download the full free version (right-click link and use the Save link as... option)

Note: this Product Installation Code IS REQUIRED: C06-508759950.

This archive contains:

  1. The file to upgrade for using the new HOBO Weather Station, HOBO Water Temp Pro, and HOBO LCD loggers.
  2. Low battery warning for the HOBO Shuttle and upgrade for PCs with power-saving function. Download the software upgrade to assure successful logger launch. Without the upgrade, the PC's power-saving mode can signal the unit to discontinue logging immediately after launch, resulting in loss of data.
  3. Corrects a data export problem in which BoxCar Pro 4.2.10 displays exported data without a fractional part, ie., digits to the right of the decimal point were not displayed.