HOBOware Pro Download and Version 3.7.3 Update

Use the following links to download HOBOware Pro (requires pro license key) or update your existing installation to the latest version. HOBOware will preserve your license level during the upgrade process. Updates to HOBOware® software are available to customers of Onset Computer Corporation under the terms of the License Agreement contained in the installation programs.

  • Support for the new HOBO Temperature/Humidity/Carbon Dioxide logger (MX1102) including launch capability, pre-launch filters, statistics logging (maximum, minimum, average and standard deviation) and the ability to to setup automatic and manual calibration.
  • Support for Windows XP has been dropped with this release. HOBOware may still work under Windows XP but there may be errors and inconsistencies when running under that old, unsupported version of Windows.
  • A new firmware update (v1.05) has been added for the UX120-018 (Plug Load) logger.
  • The Onset Computer Corporation Software License Agreement has been updated. Please read it at your earliest convenience.
  • A bug was fixed that showed up when a plot was saved as a Project file (File - Save Project... [Ctrl-Shift-S]) and one or more Series had been removed. The Removed Series would reappear in the saved Project file. Now, when a Series is removed, it will not be saved in a Project file.
  • A bug was fixed when a Series was removed by right-clicking on the Series in the Details Pane tree and selecting Remove Series. This action was not added to the Undo/Redo stack. Now it is.
  • A bug was fixed that prevented the use of Hide/Show Series for Filtered Series.
  • A bug was fixed in the "Submit Technical Support Request" item under the Help menu so you can once again use this easy method to send information to Onset Computer about technical problems you may have with our loggers or software.
  • A bug was fixed that prevented the use of a HOBO U24 Conductivity/Salinity Logger datafile as part of the compensation of HOBO U26 Dissolved Oxygen Logger data in the Dissolved Oxygen Data Assistant.
  • A bug was fixed in the Plot Dialog where time zone offsets were limited to -13 hours to +13 hours. But West Samoa Time in Daylight Saving Time is GMT+14 and Java actually allows offsets from -18 to +18 hours. We now handle that range.
  • When importing text files and an error occurs on a specific line in the data, HOBOware now attempts to display the line number on which the error occurred.
  • Manuals are no longer included in the HOBOware installation. Links to the PDF manuals on our Website can be found in the HOBOware Help on the Welcome page.
  • All the information from the Data Assistant manuals are now incorporated in HOBOware Help.