HOBOware Pro Download and Version 3.5.0 Update

Use the following links to download HOBOware Pro (requires pro license key) or update your existing installation to the latest version. HOBOware will preserve your license level during the upgrade process. Updates to HOBOware® software are available to customers of Onset Computer Corporation under the terms of the License Agreement contained in the installation programs.

  • Support for the new HOBO 4-Channel Thermocouple logger (UX120-014M), including launch capability, pre-launch filters, alarms, burst logging, statistics logging (maximum, minimum, average, and standard deviation), and the ability to stop and restart logging during a single deployment.
  • The ability to assign labels to sensors for all logger models in the Launch Logger window, a feature previously only available for station loggers, such as the HOBO U30 and Micro Station.
  • Enhancements to the export table data feature, including the ability to set the default order of measurement types in the Export Settings preferences and to quickly reorder series in the Export window by dragging them.
  • Other high priority bug fixes including:
    • Fixed the Help > Submit Technical Support Request feature.