HOBOware Pro Download and Version 3.2.0 Update

Use the following links to download HOBOware Pro (requires pro license key) or update your existing installation to the latest version. HOBOware will preserve your license level during the upgrade process. Updates to HOBOware® software are available to customers of Onset Computer Corporation under the terms of the License Agreement contained in the installation programs.

(Note: HOBOware 3.2.0 is an English-only release. In addition, HOBOware 3.2 is not yet compatible with the Alarm and Readout Tool. Onset will release an update soon to address the issue.)

  • A redesigned launch window for quick logger configuration and easy sensor setup.
  • Faster processing times for opening large data files (512K and up).
  • The ability to create filtered series when launching the logger, which allows you to automatically generate custom series, such as average temperature per day, when you read out the logger and plot data.
  • Support for the new HOBO 4-Channel Pulse Input Data Logger (UX120-017x), including advanced sensor configuration for setting maximum pulse frequency and lockout times as needed in raw pulse channels.
  • Support for the new Onset Energy and Power Meter (T-VER-E50B2), including single-step configuration with the HOBO 4-Channel Pulse Input Data Logger (UX120-017x) and automatic calculation of numerous additional data series for analysis.
  • Support for the new HOBO Conductivity/Salinity Logger (U24-002).
  • The option to disable logging the battery channel by default on some loggers, which can extend battery life and memory space.